

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Your Money May be Slipping Through the Cracks

Home Improvements Reduce Energy Usage up to 40% 

Have you felt a draft lately? Does your house have cold and hot spots? Do your heating and cooling bills seem higher than they should be? If so, your home may have a problem with air sealing and insulation.

Tom Brown, an Energy Savings Consultant with BrightHome Energy Solutions explains, “An improperly sealed home means heat could be escaping through cracks and crevices and other holes drilled in your walls and floors. Cold air makes its way in, raising your heating costs and seriously affecting your family’s comfort.  In the summertime these same holes allow in the heat raising your cooling costs.

It’s not only your wallet and family’s comfort that are at stake.  You may also be compromising your home’s indoor air quality, exposing your family to dust and allergens from outside. Poorly sealed areas allow moisture transfer, increasing the chances of mold formation, which can lead to health risks and even structural problems.”

Mr. Brown continues, “There are several tests that BrightHome can do to measure the airtightness of your home and identify problem spots. These tests require highly specialized equipment, but will yield extremely accurate results about where your home is losing energy.”

The first test BrightHome conducts is a blower door test.  A calibrated fan in a door-panel unit is used to measure the amount of air leakage in your home.  The higher the number, the more your home is wasting energy and money. 

Next your energy consultant will use a thermal imaging camera to identify where leakage is occurring.  The camera detects changes in temperature and creates a map of your home’s problem areas.

Once problem spots are identified, BrightHome will use spray foam, caulk, foam board, and cellulose insulation as required addressing the cracks and holes in your home’s walls, attic and basement.

A home that is properly air sealed and insulated by BrightHome has numerous benefits. Your home will be more comfortable by reducing cold and hot spots and drafts. Your indoor air quality will improve by keeping pollutants and allergens out.  You and your family will breathe cleaner and healthier air. You will reduce moisture transfer, protecting yourself from the health and structural risks of mold.

Because they don’t have to work as hard, you will extend the life of your heating and air conditioning systems. And most importantly, you will reduce your energy usage and save money.

BrightHome can help you take advantage of up to $3,500 in New York Home Performance with Energy Star® cash incentives and Federal Tax Credits and financing as low as 3.49%. 

Call BrightHome to schedule an appointment to learn how to stay warm and save money at 914-909-5300 or visit us at Services include air sealing, insulation, windows, doors and heating and cooling systems.

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