

Friday, September 4, 2009

We've Hired 3 New Energy Savings Consultants!

Meet Tom, Jay & Mike -- Say hello if you see them around town...

Tom Brown is the lead auditor and is certified by the Building Performance Institute as a Building Analyst and a Building Envelope Specialist. Tom has more than five years experience in home construction and remodeling and has performed hundreds of comprehensive home energy assessments in New York area homes. Tom is passionate in making your homes energy efficient and more comfortable while saving his customers money.

Jay Latella serves as the heating and cooling specialist and has over 24 years experience in commercial and residential HVAC sales and service. Jay is HVAC certified by the Building Performance Institute as a Building Analyst and also as a Building Envelope Specialist. He has also completed his BPI Heating Specialist training and testing and is awaiting his final certification. With Jay’s “house as a system” perspective, he has a unique ability to recommend the proper heating and cooling system to make you more comfortable and your home energy efficient.

Mike Waldron is our construction project manager and has more than 28 years of home remodeling and new home construction experience. Mike is the lead auditor and is certified by the Building Performance Institute as a Building Analyst and a Building Envelope Specialist. He is committed to delivering superior customer service and a fair price.

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